Longevity News

Why longevity is the most important thing in life

Why longevity is the most important thing in life

People have always tried to maximize their natural life expectancy. The Greek philosopher Plato, who is widely regarded as the founder of Western political philosophy and a key figure in the development of Western religion and spirituality, was also a professional...

The epigenetic clock measures our biological age

The epigenetic clock measures our biological age

We all look at our watches in everyday life, whether we're waiting for our flight or impatiently waiting for the evening to begin. It may therefore come as no surprise that doctors and health researchers do the same. What may surprise you, however, is what kind of...

Longevity Lifestyle: Living healthier for longer

Longevity Lifestyle: Living healthier for longer

The fountain of youth, eternal youth, immortality - most people associate these terms with longevity. At its core, longevity is about something else: the goal of longevity is not to maximize the quantitative lifespan, but to achieve the highest possible quality of...